Empowering Your Cybersecurity With Our Client Services

Experience CSO’s Comprehensive Products, Services and Solutions.. From initial assessments to advanced threat mitigation, unlock a suite of tailored solutions designed to fortify your digital domain against any cybersecurity challenge.

Why It's Essential to Prioritize Internet Safety and Cybersecurity Protection...

Keeping the internet and your data safe is crucial. Think about it: getting hacked is more of a "when" than an "if," and it can happen to anyone, including businesses big and small. When a hack happens, it can seriously harm your business, sometimes even causing it to close down. Sadly, this isn't just a possibility; it's already happened to many.

Hackers are constantly looking to steal money, identities, and ruin reputations. And if you're just using basic security that anyone can get, you might feel safe when you're actually not. This kind of protection doesn't catch everything.

It's not just big companies that need to watch out. Anyone can be a target, including regular people. And sometimes, the danger comes from within an organization, but this risk is often ignored unless the law requires attention to it.

Even knowing all the risks, some people still take chances for the sake of saving time or because they think the benefits are worth it.

Here's something to think about from the experts at Gartner: By 2025, mistakes made by people or not having enough skilled workers will cause over half of all big cybersecurity problems.

Looking ahead to 2027, they predict that leaders in charge of keeping information safe in big companies will start focusing more on making security easier for people to use and follow. This approach aims to reduce the hassle that security measures can cause and make sure people actually use them.

Digital: The Next Frontier in Threat Protection

Your business might require remediation or risk reduction strategies. Discover the extent of your security needs with our complimentary scan.

The Rise of Insider Threats

With the evolution of the Work-From-Anywhere model, identifying Insider Risks and Threats becomes vital. Detection of malicious insiders is now contingent on the analysis of Behavioral Data. Merely monitoring is no longer sufficient to shield your business in this changing cyber landscape.

Services We Offer...

  • Cybersecurity Services

  • Online Security Services

  • Secure Online Browsing

  • Data Protection

  • Internet Safety

  • Digital Executive Protection

  • Your Personal Cybersecurity Advisor

  • Privacy Protection

  • Ensure Confidentiality

  • Control Reputation

  • Protect Integrity

  • Ensure Continuity

  • Personal Device Security

  • Home Network Security

  • Concierge Client Service with Incident Response

  • Stop hijacking, eavesdropping, takeover and WiFi threats

  • Reduce Personal Risk

  • Identify theft, cyberstalking, swatting, doxxing, and extortion

  • Prevent email threats, malware and ransomware

  • Prevent location tracking

  • Prevent Identity Theft

  • Peace of Mind

Advantages of Opting for Our Services

Undoubtedly, insider threats are often overlooked in the realm of cybersecurity.

What sets our Cyber Fusion Center apart from other Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) is our ability to gather timely, actionable threat intelligence from various sources. Moreover, we ensure the constant availability of our Tier One Engineers and Cyber Leaders for round-the-clock threat surveillance, detection, and resolution.

Cyber Secure Online's Cybersecurity service proudly presents a unique Concierge Cybersecurity & Privacy Platform.

As a frontrunner in tailored cybersecurity solutions, Cyber Secure Online creates alliances with organizations, delivering an adaptable yet exhaustive range of skills, capabilities, and services that concentrate on risk detection, mitigation, and resolution.

Cyber Secure Online (CSO) provides a customizable, all-encompassing suite of skills, abilities, and services that assist your business in recognizing and establishing the right measures to secure your data assets.

CSO rolls out an Insider Risk Management Program designed to proactively and predictively pinpoint user or partner behaviors that could potentially lead to the unauthorized transfer of corporate assets or other harmful actions (intentionally or mistakenly). Our approach emphasizes remedial guidance over punitive repercussions.

Education is our most potent weapon against insider risks associated with human errors. We guide you on how to align the principles of cybersecurity with business success, just as profitability is comprehended within most corporations.

Today, businesses are inadequately equipped to tackle threats like increasingly authentic deepfakes – a problem worsened by the fact that making such deceptions is becoming cheaper and simpler. The proliferation of open-source Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) libraries enables even beginners to use the technology, facilitating the creation of convincing deepfakes.

More than 80% of businesses faced an insider threat last year. (YahooFinance)

The average expense incurred per insider threat in 2022 stood at $15.38 million (Techjury)

A significant 66% of organizations perceive the likelihood of malicious insider attacks or unintentional breaches to be higher than that of external attacks (Techjury)

Our Complete Service Offering - Beyond the Three-Step Roadmap


1. External Network Vulnerability Assessment (VA) – Testing the systems and networks that are accessible from the Internet (Public Facing) to identify potential vulnerabilities.

2. External/Internal Network VA plus Exploit Attempts – same as above with the addition of attempts to exploit (penetrate) identified network vulnerabilities to determine the extent to which a compromise can lead (e.g., database access, patient records, financial records, enterprise administrator access, etc.)

3. Internal Network VA – Testing the systems and networks within an organization. The focus on this test is reviewing configurations, patch management, and the user environment to identify potential vulnerabilities. This test is ideally conducted with system administrator credentials.

4. Host Configuration Reviews – Testing specific systems or networks devices for compliance with configuration standards, policy, regulatory requirements, or known vulnerabilities.

5. Compromise Assessment – Testing identifies and exposes active and persistent threats that may include systems under direct hacker control, unauthorized access to sensitive data, or even exfiltration of data from your corporate network. Often, our assessment results show suspect and active compromises.

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6. SOCIAL ENGINEERING (SE) – SE testing is designed to assess employee securityawareness and response related to one or more SE attack vectors. SE attack vectors include email Phishing, fake websites, physical security breach, in-person interaction (impersonatingan employee, vendor, etc.), pretexting phone calls, and USB drops.

a. Email Phishing Campaigns – this exercise test employee awareness of suspicious emails, email content (attachments and links), and the likelihood of reporting these attempts internally. The exercise is typically limited to a subset of employees and is carefully coordinated with Company management, both in approach and design as well as execution and duration. Testing duration is typically 2-3 weeks with 1 week of design and preparation. Deliverables include an executive summary report detailing our approach, statistics related to number of emails successfully delivered and read by employees, details on which employees opened an attachment and/or clicked an embedded link.

b. Pretexting Phone Calls – testing that directly targets Company employees via phone calls as either a standalone attack or in conjunction with email phishing and/or physical breach attacks. The phone calls can add legitimacy to phishing emails or support physical breach attempts – similar to today’s real-world attacks. Testing includes impersonating internal employees, vendors, trusted contacts, or other agreed personas. Testing will be closely coordinated with Company management with regard to approach and timing.

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7. Physical Security Breach – testing both the physical security controls and monitoring as well as employee awareness with Company policy and procedures for accessing / securing sensitive information, and suspicious and/or unescorted guests. This exercise is typically video, and audio recorded for playback and training purposes. Trophies and success criteria are defined to demonstrate the extent of potential compromises. Trophies are typically photo evidence of access to a restricted area, logical access to Company equipment, exfiltration of records or devices, etc. This exercise is closely coordinated with Company management with respect to approach, coordination, and timing.

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8. USB Drop – this exercise tests employee awareness with regard to connecting unknown and potentially prohibited devices to Company equipment. The drop device can range from USB thumb drives to MP3 players (iPods) depending on budget and approach. The typical attack utilizes USB thumb drives that contain customized software that automatically collects and reports information from the computer it is attached to (e.g., username, computer name, IP address, etc.). The devices can be differentiated (red drop, blue drop, etc.) to identify awareness of different personnel, locations, secured areas, etc.

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9a. Web Application Testing – Assessing the security and integrity of web-based applications, such as customer portals, submission forms, and database interfaces.

9b.     Mobile Application Testing

9c.     Source Code Review

9d.     Database Security Testing

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10a.     IT Risk Assessment

10b.     Cyber Risk Assessment

10c.     SOC Reporting Readiness/Remediation

10d.     PCI Readiness Testing

10e.     Regulatory Testing (Sarbanes Oxley, HIPPA, GLBA, FFIEC, NERC/FERC, etc.)

10f.     Policy and Procedure Development

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11. INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT, Assisting the IT Executive is designing and developing an enterprise wide or compliance focused IT Security (ITSEC) Program. The ITSEC Program typically includes a near and long term ITSEC strategy, budget considerations, staffing, compliance and/or ITSEC framework mapping (ISO, NIST), business strategy mapping, and implementation project plan.

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12. REMEDIATION SUPPORT – Remediation services include but are not limited to: Infrastructure design, configuration, and implementation; host migrations; physical to virtual migration; and active directory design and configuration.

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13. STAFF AUGMENTATION, provided on time and materials. Pre-paid block time is an alternate approach that does present some cost savings (e.g., block of 20 hours per month).

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14. MANAGED SECURITY MONITORING, providing 24x7 Network Security Monitoring and Response services requires scoping several variables, including level and type of service, number and type of endpoints, and some understanding of the network architecture.

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15.  Forensics Support & Analysis - by the hour, minimum 8 hours

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