Enterprise Cybersecurity Solutions Tailored for Your Business

In today's digital age, robust cybersecurity isn't just an operational requirement; it's a strategic asset that empowers your enterprise to innovate, expand, and compete with confidence. By choosing Cyber Secure Online, you're not just adopting industry-leading protection; you're embracing a partnership model that places your business's security and success at the forefront.

For those interested in licensing beyond 100 users, craft messaging that speaks to the complexities and specific considerations of larger organizations, offering reassurance that your solutions are robust and comprehensive.

Cyber Secure Online offers customizable user licensing for Enterprises up to 1 million users/licenses.

Our published pricing up to 100 users/licenses is below.

Choose to pay monthly or annually
(annual plans are discounted to save 2 months)

Number of Users

Annual Price Plans

Choose Your Plan

1 User


2 User


3 User


4 User


Up to 5 Users


Up to 10 Users


Up to 20 Users


Up to 30 Users


Up to 50 Users


Up to 100 Users


Over 100 Users up to 1,000,000

Call for Details

Our pricing plans is based on the number of users. Choose between a monthly or annual plan.

Choose to pay monthly or annually
(annual plans are discounted to save 2 months)

Number of Users

Monthly Price

Choose Your Plan

1 User


2 User


3 User


4 User


Up to 5 Users


Up to 10 Users


Up to 20 Users


Up to 30 Users


Up to 50 Users


Up to 100 Users


Over 100 Users up to 1,000,000

Call for Details

Our pricing plans is based on the number of users. Choose between a monthly or annual plan.

Choose to pay monthly or annually
(annual plans are discounted to save 2 months)

Fortifying Digital Frontiers: Your Bridge Over Cyber Breaches

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